Exceptional Traits That A Reliable Lawyer Should Have – Read Here!

A lot of attorneys look fantastic at what they’re doing on the top, but you will quickly discover the reality behind them. To be an effective and, in effect, a decent lawyer, every lawyer must have some competencies. And what sets a “lawyer” aside from a “successful lawyer”? Here are a professional lawyer’s top 5 qualities: sensitivity, interpersonal ability, strong analysis abilities, speaking competence, and communication skills.

  • Analytical Abilities – All attorneys will be in a role to look into every scenario and examine it from any angle. Judicial defense attorneys will dig at the prosecution from the prosecutor’s point of view, and vice versa. Both attorneys must be willing to obtain, arrange, and comprehend vast volumes of details on the spot at a time.
  • Responsiveness – This is an ability that every lawyer has, as many customers soon find out. All lawyers will respond to a case involving their employers, law associates, secretaries, and everyone else. Stopping a discussion or not becoming readily accessible as much as possible can result in a failed prosecution because the evidence that the client needs to receive is vital to the credibility of the trial.
  • Research and Investigative Expertise – It may be a challenging task to do in a limited period to locate reliable knowledge on the internet as well as seeking relevant details in books. Lawyers can inform you there were plenty of study reports as they passed to law school. The judgment of a prosecutor will not hold up in court, so it needs to get backed up with evidence. This is where study and testing come in. To back up their argument, both attorneys will learn how to communicate with prosecutors, using internet tools, study rules, legislation, and judicial decisions.

lawyers south yarra

  • Communication Skills – All lawyers need to be able to talk with consistency and accuracy. Many lawyers are confident with a large number of people in front of them, but they lack the ability to shape a coherent thought that gets their point across. Another element of speaking competencies is understanding legal jargon. The legal practitioners must be able to understand the language and justify it to the client.
  • Listening Abilities – Both attorneys must listen to their clients in order to better interpret the situation. The lawyer would skip important details without communication skills. The prosecutor will consider every part of the case for the best successful argument and look at it from all angles.

Final Word

To become a lawyer is to become a multiple-hatted man/woman. Law schools are going to give you some of the knowledge you need, but they are not willing to develop character. Any of these characteristics in your tenure as a law student you’ve learned inside yourself, however some that continue to get improved on. But if you are not planning to go to law school but got some serious problems to face on the court, lawyers south yarra is there to lend you a hand.

Navigating High Net worth Divorce: Complications You Should Be Prepared to Handle

Ever heard of an easy divorce? I bet not—some complications often arise during the process. It worsens if the divorce involves high net worth people. This is because a lot of property and finances are involved. It becomes tedious, resource-intensive, and even dramatic.

If you are navigating a high-end divorce, here are some of the complications you are likely to handle.

  1. Hiding of Assets

During a divorce, partners fill in forms showing all the assets they possess. Some partners can be devious and decide to hide some of their properties to cheat their spouses out of fair finance sharing. In most cases, the assets are transferred to a third party or funds transferred to different accounts. Stay alert and if such cases arise, arm yourself with evidence and discuss it with your attorney. Considering that this is a punishable offense, such a partner will end up losing credibility or even facing charges. Divorce:

  1. International Complications

Most people who have high net worth tend to have businesses outside the state or abroad, not to mention that most of them live international lifestyles. They may have two or more citizenships. This gives them access to multiple jurisdictions. Disagreement can ensure on which authority is most suitable to handle the divorce. In cases where a partner has companies abroad, you may need to engage the services of a financial forensic team to help fish out the company’s assets that may be hidden elsewhere.

  1. Tax Implication

Most people find tax topics annoying. They do not understand that significant tax implications are bound to arise during property distribution. For example, if one partner owns a business, and they are supposed to transfer an asset such as a car or land to their spouse, certain tax liabilities will be triggered. The spouse receiving the asset should understand that they will be taxed, thus raising their expenses.

  1. Business Ownership

It is not abnormal to find that couples with high net worth jointly owning a family business. They tend to invest together during the marriage duration. Once they divorce, such companies become a Centre of conflict. The company’s value and future have to be determined to enable a fair distribution. Partners may continue co-owning the company. If their differences cannot allow, one partner may have to sell their shares to exit the scene altogether.


5.Parting Thoughts

No doubt navigating a high net worth divorce can be tiresome, and if not well handled be so messy. A lot of money makes emotions run high and creates high tension. They can also be time and resource-intensive. Do not rush into this divorce, take your time, analyze everything thoroughly, and never be driven by your emotions. Another mistake you should never make is comparing your divorce case to others. Yes, something might have ended well for someone, but that does not guarantee that it will also work for you.  Stay calm, understand the above complications, and prepare well.  Above all, make your divorce attorney your best friend.