Does Alexa Ranking Affect Web Positioning In Google?
Find out if the Alexa web analytics ranking is really key for SEO including the positioning of your website in Google and other web search engines.
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As far as we knew, Alexa and SEO Marketing should go hand in hand to conquer Google but, at this point, there are not a few SEO web positioning consultants who agree that Alexa is an overrated tool when analyzing the SEO potential of a Web page. Are we right?
“Generate traffic and get good web positioning in Internet search engines like Google”. These have been some of the promises, and often legends, that Alexa brought with it since its creation and its release on the market.
Consult “SEO Company in Dubai” if you want to generate more traffic for your website and to get good web positioning in the search engines on the internet.
But this approach was gradually forgotten because there are some more effective tools for these tasks and that allow SEO web analysis and digital marketing campaigns to be implemented. So why keep focusing on Alexa? Really matter?
The Alexa Ranking And Its Benefits
Alexa is a software made up of a set of tools that allow you to know the traffic of your website, the topics that are on Internet search trends, search for the keywords (keywords) of the moment and performance of the website etc.
With Alexa, you can obtain a statistical analysis of important SEO metrics when it comes to achieve the coveted web positioning in Google.
Alexa Rank is a ranking that classifies the popularity of your website based on data obtained during the last three months.
Alexa was released several years ago (in 1996) and was presented as a toolbar with which it was possible to evaluate the number of views and visitors that came to a web page.
In short, the Alexa ranking is a range that classifies the popularity of your website based on data obtained during the last three months.
How Does Alexa Rank Work And Is Measured?
The Alexa rank works due to the data that the tool extracts from its own database, from various extensions that are installed in the browser and from other websites that provide the information.
Alexa elaborates its ranking based on its own data, browsing data of users who have the Alexa extension in the browser and other websites that provide the information.
In the Alexa ranking, achieving ‘number one’ represents achieving the maximum value of this classification; that is, because it has made its website the most popular, the most visited and the most trafficked globally etc.
Such ranking results from combining the average number of visitors to the website per day with the estimate of all the visits that the website achieved during the last three months.
In order to locate a web page in a certain ranking value, Alexa compares these results with those sites that, to all knowledge, have already been tagged with # 1. This way you get such coveted value!
How Can I See The Ranking Of A Website In Alexa?
What we must do is go to the official Alexa page and when you are there, type in the search engine the address of the web page that develops your interest.
You will notice that Alexa will give you the global rank of that web page and the rank it occupies with respect to its country. In addition, it will provide you with other interesting statistics.
You can try it, nobody will find out!
What Is The Main Problem With Alexa Rank?
So far everything seems favorable and simple. But there is a problem with the Alexa ranking and that is, its data collection systems are not as global as it claims.
Most SEO experts have been questioning the accuracy of the data that Alexa reflects since, despite many efforts, the tool does not have access to all the global data of the billions of users who access the internet.
Just because you have access to millions of data doesn’t mean it’s enough.
A good statistical study should not leave out any relevant sample and should be chosen randomly. Does Alexa do this? I’m afraid not! Their ranges are then considered an approximation.
Fortunately Google knows this and offers us some tools that are more accurate and efficient than Alexa in this. Bravo Google!
Alexa Rank And SEO; Why Do People Tend Not To Trust?
The lack of confidence in the Alexa ranking is due to the fact that today we already have other softwares.
Google Search Console or Google Analytics have been more effective than Alexa; the results obtained in these two Google tools are different, and by far, compared to those shown by the Alexa ranking. How can we trust then?
Precise tools such as Google Search Console or Google Analytics, which accurately measure web traffic, offer results that do not coincide at all with the data indicated by Alexa Rank.
Despite what has been said, it is worth using Alexa to know the web traffic of sites like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or any similar site, of which we know that they do not need more presentation.
Because they have an optimal web positioning, we all know them, and they are ranked # 1 in the Alexa ranking.
However, you may wonder what happens to those of us who are not some of those popular web pages? We are now close to 2 billion web pages worldwide!
How to compete among so many pages? How to achieve the desired visibility in Google?
Obviously, we cannot use Alexa to measure the traffic on a web page that is hardly being known in its local environment.
But it is necessary to evaluate it, and that leads us to use software other than Alexa, otherwise we would only base our strategies on digital marketing only in approximations.
So Does Alexa Rank Really Matter?
Basically, no. The Alexa ranking seems to go well with popular websites, which in any case generate millions of daily visits to your website. There are many other more important things that we have to deal with.
Don’t lose sleep over Alexa! When you generate potential traffic to your website and get users to talk about you, visit you and invite others, then you know that you are doing well even if you don’t even appear to be on the Alexa Rank map.
Does Alexa Rank Impact SEO At All?
Not at all! It would be very naive to say that Google is guided by the Alexa ranking to define the positioning of a web page in its list of results, when this giant is the one who has been directing.
And also changing the way in which SEO experts structure each website and how this is perceived by the user.
Google has made available to us a series of fabulous tools for SEO web analysis in real time, considering its own database, which is enviable and unmatched as it is ultimately the world’s largest search engine!
Alexa And SEO? An Insignificant Relationship
Google seems to have it all under control without help from Alexa!
To believe that we need an Alexa metric to improve our SEO web ranking in Google, would be to take a backward stance in the face of the interesting and promising challenges that digital marketing is facing today, and much of this is thanks to the advances of Google.
How To Improve Your Position In The Alexa Ranking?
Improving Alexa and other metric! No, it is not sarcasm. Give her a complete database! Improve her access to global data volumes! Ask Google for help!
Those would be possible solutions, since its efficiency and precision must be improved. The fact is that it is unnecessary to continue thinking about improving the Alexa ranking at this level.
Conclusions: Alexa And Its Little Influence On SEO
Definitely, the relationship between Alexa and SEO is not considered transcendental.
Not having a favorable position in the Alexa ranking does not mean that the website is working in the wrong way, since we have already said that this software is not very accurate for the pages of mere mortals.
Now, you can use Alexa to have estimates about your competition, perform SEO audits and have a reference on trends on the Internet and how the movement of users is by it.