Do you consider guest blogging services as part of your inbound marketing strategy? Yes seems to be the answer. But do not accept it blindly as guest blogging has helped business towards higher revenue and better reputation. Blogs are willing to accept your blog and no matter you might consider yourself to be an expert in this niche, but going alone seems difficult. 63 % of people gave their thumbs up to blogs of multiple authors.

Relevant links, authority, sales or motivated leads are desirable for any business. The best guest posting services help you to achieve that and much more. At a personal level I have cashed in on various inbound marketing strategies, but nothing stands in comparison to guest blogs. For a digital business it is a heartbeat. As per experts it is not only to increase traffic to your website, but bring in more revenue. Inbound marketing modules do not generate leads but contribute to higher revenue for your company.

All equal posts are not equal and results may vary. Choice of targets carefully and a right approach is called for. The main reason why brands fail to take off with guest blogging is they fail to produce proper content. Prime content is a fundamental of guest blogging and this is a harsh truth of marketing. No short cuts would drive you to the path of success. Content marketing is not a one day wonder, as you can term it to be a slow and steady process. Results do take time to emerge but efforts are really worth the results. If proper content is formulated results are a mere one step away.  This includes a flush of new customers, high quality leads with organic content even after years if you have published it. Various brands have benefited from guest blogging as they have adopted the right strategy for the use of it.

Facts about inbound marketing:

1. Guest blogging is not a short cut for growth of a blog

2. You cannot term guest blogging as a solution to reach higher rankings

It is going to take more than what social media can achieve.  Willingness has to be there in order to research your topic and provide compelling content. This is an area which most B2B houses struggle. For your inbound marketing module guest blogging would suffice, though a key is not to try it without any objective or focus in mind.

Guest Blogging Services

Tips for effective guest blogging:

A demand for interesting or creative posts is unparalleled.  Top notch brands have undertaken a commitment to increase their share of content marketing. Irrespective of the size of your business, be it large or small quality content is a must. Superior levels of content contribute to your brand value. A platform is presented where a right audience would listen to you.  Some simple tips for your handy reference are as follows

Proper research of the market:

A will power to innovate, or discover untapped markets have to be developed. There is an age old saying “Markets move at a faster pace than marketing”. You need to be on top of your toes if you need to explore potential opportunities for growth.

Guest blogging starts off with a detailed research. Be aware that you are not writing for anyone in particular but targeting a specific group of people who have a niche. A targeted group of people are there who are going to observe content given out by a proper market research.

Part of your network strategy depends upon guest blogging. All blogs are not equal; some will send you around 50 visitors whereas in other cases it could be next to nil. First and foremost you need to conduct proper market research.  Such a research would provide you with a proper understanding on the audience you are looking to sell. Like what would be their reaction to a particular service or product on offer. Via market research you are positioned properly in a market irrespective of changes in industry or economy status.

Market research will help you to achieve the following:

  1. Business risks reduced.
  2. Figuring out existing problems as part of the industry.
  3. Look out for opportunities that would lead to higher sales.

As far as market research evolves there should be no dearth of efforts on your part. Each and every activity that you undertake in a business stems as part of research. For example if you are conveying to your customer about a new service or product, this essentially translates into research.

Before pinning down a guest blog, you need to have research at the back of your mind. Basically you need to figure out what does your audience want in the first place. Truth of the matter is more you undertake mind set of a customer you can fine tune guest blogs accordingly. Penning down to a wider audience may not always yield results. The reason being each and every customer is at a different stage of a buying cycle. Often we end up overestimating a market cycle which might not exist at all.

The main reason for research of your market is to understand customer demographics. It is an intangible asset and provides vital clues about behavior of customers. Age, gender, average size of a household comes under this spectrum.

A target goal has to be formulated. Online budding entrepreneurs are relying on guest blogging services to take their digital business to a different level. Even to your existing and old customer a connecting line would be target goal. The question is what you are looking to achieve with your guest post. Via this source you can develop quality leads which you can further nurture via an email.

Search engines keep on eye what people follow. Based on perception of users, Google also modifies its rankings. Before even launching of a guest blog you need to have a vision of what you are looking to achieve. Examples would be 1000 followers within a month or so.