A Guide On MRA scan

A Guide On MRA scan

You’ve probably heard about the test called MRI. In this test, radio waves, a magnetic field, and a computer create a scan of parts of the body to look for health problems. Magnetic resonance angiography – also called magnetic resonance angiography or MRA – is a type of magnetic resonance imaging that specifically checks the veins in the body. Unlike conventional angiography, which requires the insertion of a catheter into the body, magnetic resonance angiography is undeniably less invasive and less agonizing. During MRI angiography, one is level inside the MRI scanner. This is a large, tunnel-like tube. In some cases, a special dye, known as a difference, may be added to the bloodstream to make the veins easier to see. When necessary, the difference is given with an intravenous (IV) needle.

What are the dangers of magnetic resonance angiography?

Assuming a dye is needed to make the veins easier to see during the test, one may experience some discomfort from the IV insertion. MRA scan in New Jersey is common. One may also feel some anxiety when placed inside the MRI scanner, which is a small, restricted space. If one thinks one might be claustrophobic, let the doctor know about it in advance. One may be given a mild sedative to make being on the MRI scanner more bearable.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women may have extra dangers in the MRI scanner. Be sure to let the doctor know if one is or may be pregnant. One may be in danger from other tangles, depending on the specific medical condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with the doctor before the test. The doctor will look at the magnetic resonance angiography images. In case no blockages or irregularities are found, one has what is called a common test result. A strange result means that the healthcare professional has noticed an irregularity in one or more of the veins in the body.